Monday, December 20, 2010


Project Description: 
This is a continuation to last blog from November from when i used vector digram, this time did days 8-12 

New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned: I learned to use the granite tool to change colors, also i learned that illastared has layers, like photoshope

Drawing tools: Pen, Pencil & Change anchor Point tool,phathfinder

Self Reflection: I had fun with this one,  there was a lot i knew but there was still so much I did not  know, the one thing probably the hardest thing to use is the pathfinder 

Part/Proj: 8/10


 project description
   For this project Illustrator was used .We had to create stacked text, ground reversals,, also four we had create letters as objects.  In this project, I learned a little more about different ways to make a logo.    

New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned
  • stack words on each other
  • the short cut for the copy tool
  • replace letters with pictures
  • make a picture into shapes to work with illustrator  
self reflection

    I should have listened more to what i was told to do, my favorite thing about the project was creating the pictures into shapes, next time though I should be more careful and pick a better background that is easier to handle
