Thursday, February 17, 2011

For my initial logo I switched my initials around, so instead of t.j its jt , i chose to do that because I wanted part of of both the letters to be a little merged. Then when I made the squares for the logo i changed the opacity of the top one that was red and lowered the opacity enough that the inner part looked orange and the outer looked pink so I kept in that way, since i liked it more

In my name with a design I made the letters in my name simple and white, then After watched rain fall and trying to sketch an idea down i chose to put each letter in my name and rain drops, hers a pattern of the colors, but mostly i chose then because they were dark colors so my name would be the most noticeable when you look at the picture, I tryed maked the rain drops i light blue, but then my name, it felt like it got lost, so then I tried black but then I lost the shape

The name logo with a symbol is my favorite, mostly because out of all the others it looks the least crazy. For both my name and the flower, I used a larger stoke and made it white, giving it a more drawn out look. the flower took a bit to get rite because i wanted the flower to look like the i in my name, so the flower pedals are semi floating.


  1. I like all of your designs, but my favorite is the initials logo. I like how you overlapped the rectangles and changed the opacities and got a new color. I don't dislike anything, but I would change the order you put the letters for the name design. Right now the flow is kind of confusing, and you cannot really follow the name. Overall good job!

  2. greeeeeeeeeeaaaaattttt job!!!!!! i really like your designs they show how creative you are. i like the effort you put in it and how it looks well done. i would change that white outline that is on your first two i would maybe halve a black background on it. i love the last one but you could remove the white. even tough it might not be the same i still feel like it would be a better choice maybe enlarge it or make it thicker.

  3. I really liked your logos because they were creative and very well thought out. I liked your name with symbol logo because the font you choose flowed with the flower. I also liked your name logo but the order you placed the letters in is a little bit confusing. I would make the order of the letters a little bit more like the order of your name. Great job!

  4. I really like all of your logo designs. They're creative and colorful. The last one is my favorite. The rose looks amazing as a replacement to your letter. The things I would change is probably the color of the first one. So that they flow a little better. And for the name logo I would probably change how it's organized because it can be confusing to others if they don't know how to spell your name. But either than that, everything looks good!
