Monday, June 20, 2011


I had a hard time picking out what i wanted as the art piece in the rend though I really liked this one it was easy to think of how a wanted it to become graphic design, when I saw the picture I though it was beautiful, so I came up with the idea that beautiful is different so i need a way to show people that, and thats when i decided to make a few of them different colors. everything was going well till the end where i was just going to grey out the rest of the flowers, something looked awkward, i tryed meany things, like changing the shade, keeping them the same color i even tryd just taking them out. Then out of frustration, I chose one of the brushes and started clicking around my poster, I looked at it a second then was about to press command z when it started to look ok so i started just randomly clicking untill I got what it is, I ended up keeping that because I liked how flowers that had the same color didnt stand out as much and the ones that had a different color
Another thing that was hard was a little silly maybe. I couldn't decide between puting different is beautiful or beautiful is different, I felt like both had a really similar message, but were just a bit diffrent, the otherthing that gave me the most trouble was changing the hue and colors of the flowers it was triky, for me and with the time I had I ended up leaving a few simmiler colored flowers, now i just hope I was able to get across what I wanted to in the poster

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