I had a hard time picking out what i wanted as the art piece in the rend though I really liked this one it was easy to think of how a wanted it to become graphic design, when I saw the picture I though it was beautiful, so I came up with the idea that beautiful is different so i need a way to show people that, and thats when i decided to make a few of them different colors. everything was going well till the end where i was just going to grey out the rest of the flowers, something looked awkward, i tryed meany things, like changing the shade, keeping them the same color i even tryd just taking them out. Then out of frustration, I chose one of the brushes and started clicking around my poster, I looked at it a second then was about to press command z when it started to look ok so i started just randomly clicking untill I got what it is, I ended up keeping that because I liked how flowers that had the same color didnt stand out as much and the ones that had a different color
Another thing that was hard was a little silly maybe. I couldn't decide between puting different is beautiful or beautiful is different, I felt like both had a really similar message, but were just a bit diffrent, the otherthing that gave me the most trouble was changing the hue and colors of the flowers it was triky, for me and with the time I had I ended up leaving a few simmiler colored flowers, now i just hope I was able to get across what I wanted to in the poster
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
for my social prject i tryed doing somti=hing really doing somthing bold and simple that would get the message straigh across, instead of making it complicated
first when i found this image it seemed goos=d but the the impact i wanted
so i decided to put a jail cell around her...im still not shore if this was the best idea, i was trying to get the idea that she is traped with no escape
i liked this image because of the fist that is a the front, i didnt do much exsept make it darker
out of all of them this is the one that was most disturbing i took away that back ground.
also i blured all of there faces a little to make it feel that anyones child face can be put there. i also though about doing some sort of "insert loved one face here" thing but i coundnt seem to get it right, i also tey taking out the face, but that was just too awcward
in the end i liked how it turned but i feel as if i had taken more time i would have liked it better
first when i found this image it seemed goos=d but the the impact i wanted
so i decided to put a jail cell around her...im still not shore if this was the best idea, i was trying to get the idea that she is traped with no escape
i liked this image because of the fist that is a the front, i didnt do much exsept make it darker
out of all of them this is the one that was most disturbing i took away that back ground.
also i blured all of there faces a little to make it feel that anyones child face can be put there. i also though about doing some sort of "insert loved one face here" thing but i coundnt seem to get it right, i also tey taking out the face, but that was just too awcward
in the end i liked how it turned but i feel as if i had taken more time i would have liked it better
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
For my initial logo I switched my initials around, so instead of t.j its jt , i chose to do that because I wanted part of of both the letters to be a little merged. Then when I made the squares for the logo i changed the opacity of the top one that was red and lowered the opacity enough that the inner part looked orange and the outer looked pink so I kept in that way, since i liked it more
In my name with a design I made the letters in my name simple and white, then After watched rain fall and trying to sketch an idea down i chose to put each letter in my name and rain drops, hers a pattern of the colors, but mostly i chose then because they were dark colors so my name would be the most noticeable when you look at the picture, I tryed maked the rain drops i light blue, but then my name, it felt like it got lost, so then I tried black but then I lost the shape
The name logo with a symbol is my favorite, mostly because out of all the others it looks the least crazy. For both my name and the flower, I used a larger stoke and made it white, giving it a more drawn out look. the flower took a bit to get rite because i wanted the flower to look like the i in my name, so the flower pedals are semi floating.
In my name with a design I made the letters in my name simple and white, then After watched rain fall and trying to sketch an idea down i chose to put each letter in my name and rain drops, hers a pattern of the colors, but mostly i chose then because they were dark colors so my name would be the most noticeable when you look at the picture, I tryed maked the rain drops i light blue, but then my name, it felt like it got lost, so then I tried black but then I lost the shape
The name logo with a symbol is my favorite, mostly because out of all the others it looks the least crazy. For both my name and the flower, I used a larger stoke and made it white, giving it a more drawn out look. the flower took a bit to get rite because i wanted the flower to look like the i in my name, so the flower pedals are semi floating.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Project Description: This is a continuation to last blog from November from when i used vector digram, this time did days 8-12
New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned: I learned to use the granite tool to change colors, also i learned that illastared has layers, like photoshope
Drawing tools: Pen, Pencil & Change anchor Point tool,phathfinder
Self Reflection: I had fun with this one, there was a lot i knew but there was still so much I did not know, the one thing probably the hardest thing to use is the pathfinder
Part/Proj: 8/10
project description
For this project Illustrator was used .We had to create stacked text, ground reversals,, also four we had create letters as objects. In this project, I learned a little more about different ways to make a logo.
New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned
- stack words on each other
- the short cut for the copy tool
- replace letters with pictures
- make a picture into shapes to work with illustrator
self reflection
I should have listened more to what i was told to do, my favorite thing about the project was creating the pictures into shapes, next time though I should be more careful and pick a better background that is easier to handle
Thursday, November 18, 2010

- being patient
- learning to use the pen tool
- Drawing tools: Pen, Pencil & Change anchor Point tool.
Part/Proj: 7/9
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